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Former synagogue Voehl - Memorial and Genealogy 

The support group "Synagoge in Vöhl e.V.“ keeps alive the history of the Jews in Waldeck-Frankenberg with events and genealogical research. The preserved sacral room of the Synagogue lets you feel the atmosphere of the Jewish prayer room.

Statement on the attack of Hamas on Israel, 10th of October 2023, Simchat Torah

Once again, the people of Israel are hit by rockets and terror on a Jewish holiday. Once again they have to fear that the only halfway safe place to live in the world is being pulled out from under their feet. Jews have been persecuted and killed for millennia in every conceivable corner of the globe. Our hearts bleed when we realize that they find no peace even in Israel. From the cowardly attack of Hamas on Israeli civilians, from the kidnappings and exposures of the victims, an unmasked anti-Semitism looks at us – a fanaticism to want to destroy the state of Israel and all Jews.
We condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms and show our solidarity with the people of Israel and the Jews all over the world – but also with all Palestinians who suffer under Hamas' reign of terror. At the same time, we condemn the Iranian regime's gloating reaction to the attacks. Our solidarity is also with the courageous Iranians who are fighting their own oppressive regime and do not see Israel as an enemy. We expressly welcome the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the imprisoned Iranian freedom fighter Narges Mohammadi.

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Our thoughts and prayers are with all - in Israel, in Palestine, in Iran and elsewhere – who must fear and fight for their freedom and their lives these days. We will continue to do everything in our power to uphold the memory of the Shoah in Germany and especially in our region, to stand by the weak and the attacked in our country as well – and to resolutely fight anti-Semitism as well as anti-Muslim racism and every other form of racism and violence.

Signatories of the call: Judaica Meimbressen e.V., Verein der Freundinnen und Freunde jüdischen Lebens im Werra-Meißner-Kreis, Arbeitskreis Rückblende – Gegen das Vergessen e.V., Förderkreises Synagoge in Vöhl e.V. and many privat persons.

The Synagogue in Voehl

The synagogue in Voehl is a well-preserved building from 1827 with a gallery and vaulted ceiling. The interior was completely destroyed on the night of the pogrom in 1938. Today, events are held in this former sacred space; the adjoining rooms house a museum and a library about Judaism.

Reconstruction of the interior of the synagogue

The sacred room of the synagogue lost its interior furnishings in 1938. It was destroyed. With augmented reality, the former impression of the room can be recreated.

Video-KanalAugmented reality is a digital extension of reality. The video (1:03min), was produced by the Landkulturboten 2021 Andre Stremmel and Erik Peper in 2021.

Bild der möblierten SynagogeErik Peper worked with the programme "Adobe Photoshop®" and, based on a photo, gave the sacred space back its original room setup.

Museum in the synagogue

The museum shows aspects of Jewish culture and way of life. The exhibition rooms are the former living quarters of the synagogue. Part of the museum is the sacred space of the synagogue.

Kacheldarstellung der Ausstellungsstücke



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Guided Tour

In 2002, this tour was created as a Power Point presentation. The following members took part: Conception, design, photos (unless otherwise mentioned): Kurt-Willi Julius, Walter Schauderna (WS) Texts: Karl-Heinz Stadtler Translation: Jeremy Deacon Carol Davidson Baird, January 2002

Presentation from E. Foote, ´My Genealogical Journey´, 2024

Collage von Portraits mit Button

Elisabeth Foote is a descendant of Vöhl Jews and lives in Salt Lake City/UT in the USA. She visited Vöhl this summer for the 25th anniversary of the ´Förderkreis Synagoge in Vöhl´. There is a Jewish society for genealogical research in Salt Lake City, the Utah Jewish Genealogical Society. She gave this lecture entitled “My Genealogical Journey” there on September 17, 2024.

25th anniversary in 2024, Holocaust Memorial Song

3 Gitarrenspieler auf BühnePerformance of the song on 12 July 2024 in the synagogue. Noah, Daniel, Dr Stephen Baird. Video: Ulrich Müller; Courtesy of TRO Essex Music Group New York.

Here are the lyrics by Stephan Baird, who also wrote an accompanying text for the song.

Ulrich Müller and Walter Schauderna have created a photo album of the visit.

Memorial to all deportees of the Nazi era

Lebensgroßer Mensch aus Metall auf schwarzer Rampe © Kurt-Willi Julius; Skulptur: "Auf der Schwelle zwischen Leben und Tod" (2007) von E. R. Nele

Not quite 700 Jews were deported from the Waldeck-Frankenberg district during the Nazi era. These 700 people did not live together in a single place, but were spread across many communities in the district:
But not only Jews fell victim to the madness of racism; Sinti and Roma, disabled people, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals and political dissidents were marginalised, persecuted, deported and exterminated.
The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg has erected a memorial to these victims in the garden of the synagogue for all those deported during the Nazi era. It was created by the artist E. R. Nele.

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List of deported persons in the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg

Villages Number of persons
Allendorf (Eder)
Bad Arolsen
Bad Wildungen
Haina (Kloster)

Genealogy in the county of Waldeck, Hesse, Germany

Vektorgrafik eines Stammbaums

This register about Jews from the Waldeck-Frankenberg district is „in progress“. That means that it is not and will never be complete. For several years I´ve been researching in various archives (e.g. Centrum Judiacum Berlin; The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People in Jerusalem, The Hessian State Archives (Staatsarchiv Marburg), Archives from different communities in this district, and newspaperarchieves) as well as in regional historical literature. Only a small fraction of these sources could be evaluated and incorperated so far. At the moment, there are about 5800 CV of Jews in Waldeck. Family trees were created when enough data about the family was available. This was possible  with about 160 Jewish families.

Grafik von mcmurryjulie auf Pixabay

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This compilation is made for the internet - not as a book. A book is a finished product, on the internet there is always the opportunity to easily change and add things.

In in individual cases there is justified interest to delete and or remove information about certain persons the author is more than willing to do so.

In the heading of each biography the places in Waldeck- Frankenberg with which the people are connected to are named. If those places are in bold print they lived there for some time. If those places are in normal print they were either related (spouse; children; etc.) to Jews or only lived there for a short period of time.

If you see any mistakes, corrections or have additional information you would like us to include send a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

by Karl-Heinz Stadtler

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